reAd through just a selection of my marketing thoughts.
a frEsh pair of eyes
As business owners, we know all too well how easy it is to get caught up in the day-to-day operations and sometimes lose sight of the big picture.
long lIve the letterbox!
In today’s digital age, it can be easy to overlook the importance of printed material in a marketing strategy. However, printed materials remain a crucial component of a successful marketing mix. Whether it’s a letter, brochure, catalogue or simple postcard, a printed item can be very memorable and help to reinforce a brand’s message.
i can sAve you money…
If you don’t currently have a marketing plan in place, then I can most definitely save you money in terms of your marketing spend.
sustaInable marketing plan
Are you thinking about sustainability as part of your marketing plan?This summer it has been hard to avoid the impact of climate change, seeing Europe bake in crazy temperatures.
do mOre with less…
Do more with less… Isn’t that what we would all like to achieve in 2024 with our marketing budgets? It can be achieved by a few key things…